#6S Street 21, Sangkat Tonle Bassac, Khan Chamkmon, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Phone (855) 23 217 872/210 902
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7:00 PM July 4, 2012
Contact: Mrs. Aum Borany
Phone: 013 883 536, 023 217 872
Phone: 013 883 536, 023 217 872
Press Conference on ASEAN
Human Rights Declaration (AHRD):
Cambodian Women’s Perspective on Women’s Rights and the CSO’s View
Cambodian Women’s Perspective on Women’s Rights and the CSO’s View
PHNOM PENH, CAMBODIA, JULY 4 2012: Cambodian Women
Caucus(CWC) and the Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC) are
honored to inform members of the press that civil society organizations
involved in protecting and promoting women’s rights and human rights in
Cambodia are working together to organize a Press Conference on our view on the
ASEAN Declaration on Human Rights (ADHR). The press conference will highlight
key messages of Cambodian Women Caucus(CWC) as well as those of the CSO in
Cambodia in close collaboration with the Regional Women Caucus on the drafting
process of the ASEAN Declaration on Human Rights.
ASEAN Charter has a mandate to develop an ASEAN Declaration
on Human Rights (ADHR)for the region. ASEAN has commissioned the
Intergovernmental Human Rights Commission, AICHR, to draft ADHR targeted to be
ready for the 21st ASEAN Summit in November 2012 to approve. So
far, the process of drafting the document has been less than transparent.
Cambodia has organized a consultation with civil society on 3 July 2012 at the
National Education Institute, without sharing a draft version of the
ADHR is a political declaration of ASEAN and is supposed to
be foundation and aspiration for other binding documents for ASEAN in the
protection of human rights of the 600 million people in the country.
In 2012, the Kingdom of Cambodia assumes the rotating
chairmanship and will host the ASEAN Summit. The theme for 2012 is “One
Community, One Destiny as ASEAN community”. The Cambodian Women Caucus, a
member of the Southeast Women Caucus on ASEAN is taking this opportunity to
provide a voice for Cambodian’s women in this important process. Cambodian
Women Caucus has opened up this platform with Cambodian Human Right Action Committee
to have other CSOs to share their view on the process and of what CSO
aspiration for AHRD.
On ASEAN Human Right Declaration (AHRD), Cambodian women’s
perspective on women’s rights and the CSO’s view will be held on July 6, 2012
at Imperial Garden Hotel from 8.00 am to 12:00 pm.
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